December 1-15 Early Access – (choose your signs)

Hi there everyone!

Here is the December 1-15 2018 Early Access Reading! You can click here to reserve your space for this reading, spanning the energies from the 1 – 15th of the month! ? Thanks for all your support!

Steps to receiving access to your reading:

  1. Complete your order below. Note: access will be sent via your email address entered for payment (if you are paying via PayPal, this is your PayPal address). Please be sure to double check spam folders to ensure delivery of access!
  2. Access to view the reading will be delivered to your email inbox immediately upon completion of your order! It will arrive in the Alchemy in You confirmation email. Please check spam if the email did not come through or feel free to email me at
  3. Note: for any questions, please directly email – any replies to the confirmation emails do not get sent through
  • For the extended 15-31st December Readings click here
  • For the Moon Manifestation Cycle Readings for each of the signs click here

It’s so very exciting! See you all there! Natalie Feel free to reach out with any questions and/or comments at:

Remember, we all have every sign in our chart, just in varying propensities and in different areas of our chart, corresponding with various areas of life (guide provided here below). There can be so many factors that are at play in the birth chart that influence how we may resonate with each of the zodiac signs and in which ways (if you’d like to understand in greater depth how your archetypes are operating in your chart, feel free to check out the Astrological Report + Interpretation services here) and you can feel free to reference the following guide to gauge how these energies may be illuminating of certain areas in your personal chart according to each of the signs:

    • Your Sun (externalized, physical self-expressive essence), Moon (internal, emotional being), and Ascendant/Rising sign (physical body, outward self-expression, public image) – In general, viewers find that they resonate most with their Sun, Moon, Ascendant/Rising sign for general outlook of energy. These placements may offer us insights into the various aspects of life we are manifesting our energy through, as well as may touch on general thematic progressions of energy that we may be experiencing.
    • Your Venus sign may provide illumination in regards to matters and/or concepts related to love, partnership, relationships, finances, creative production, and hobbies.
    • Your Midheaven/MC (career, public life) angle and North Node (soul/life path calling) sign may provide illumination in regards to matters and/or concepts related to career, public life, and life path direction.
    • You may find that you resonate strongly with the sign of any Stellium placements (3-4+ planets in the same sign and/or house).
  • To calculate your birth chart placements, click here.

Note: The results of this reading are not to substitute professional medical, financial, psychological, legal or other such advice. By purchasing this and/or any of Alchemy in You’s products or services you agree to the terms stated at the bottom of this page.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Terms: The results of this reading are not to substitute professional medical, financial, psychological, legal or other such advice. By purchasing any of Alchemy in You’s services, you agree to the terms that Alchemy in You provides services for entertainment purposes only and does not claim to substitute legal, medical, financial, psychological or other such advice requiring professional assistance. By purchasing any of Alchemy in You’s services you agree that the services provided by Alchemy in You are spiritual in nature and subject to interpretation, and that Alchemy in You does not take responsibility for any matters or decisions taken on the part of the client. By purchasing any of Alchemy in You’s services, you agree to bear any responsibility for any decision based on the insights provided in your service and that Alchemy in You and its reader will not be liable to anyone for any loss resulting from any decision made or action taken from the indirect or direct acquisition of any insights during a reading and that the reader shall not be liable for any decision made or action taken by Alchemy in You or its entities. By purchasing and using any of Alchemy in You’s services, you agree and consent that you have already understood the stipulations of this disclaimer and that it is recommended for you to consult a professional advisor for any medical, health-related, financial, psychological, legal, or other such matters that may be present.

Additional information


Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, 12-Sign Package


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